A.I. Tools

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September 5, 2022

Krisp AI

What is it?

Krisp's AI-powered solution eliminates background noise and echo from meetings so only human voices can be heard.  Get rid of wall echoes and those caused by your own voice or a sensitive microphone.  Ensure distraction-free calls by eliminating background noise from your microphone and speaker."

Integrate Krisp with more than 800 communication tools.  When you download Krisp, all of the audio from your online meeting is processed and stored on your device only—never in the cloud."

Krisp is recognized by industry experts for its cutting-edge technology for empowering your team through online meetings

Background remover

Make your meeting solution visually appealing by showing a professional background.

Monitor Meeting engagement

Take a look at the amount of time you spent in meetings and the level of engagement you demonstrated. We only capture data—never audio.  The conversations you have during your meetings are for your ears only.

The insights gathered from your calls are for you to view and use, helping you improve your communication skills over time.

Whether you’re solving a customer’s issue, pitching a new prospect, or meeting with coworkers, Krisp is your team’s ticket to clearer, more productive online conversations."

Krisp AI

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